A. 英语书虫《别了好莱坞先生》读书笔记
2.It’s Cathy Wilson’s First job .she is going to live with the Harvey family .and look after the two young children and the house .Cathy’s parents are dead ,and she has no brothers or sisters .she wants to be happy in her new home ,but she is sometimes lonely ,Duncan the children’s father ,is often away in london .cathy likes the children and she likes old Mrs Harvey .Duncan ‘s mother ,but she has no firend . Of course, there is Nick .Nick has very blue eyes and a warm ,firendly smile .but Duncan doesn’t like Nick .Why? Becuse Miranda -------Duncan’s wife likes Nick .Many days ago .on one day night. Miranda tell Duncan .She likes Nick .she want to find him .and fall .and the biggest question was this :did .Miranda fall or someone push her many days ago Cathy know ,It Mrs Harvey Pust Miranda and she know Nick .in the end Cathy Wilson and Duncan Harvey loved each other . Read this story I know .do man must like the Duncan and doesn’t like the Nick.becuse none but this just have the in deed blessedness.
B. 别了好莱坞先生中是谁在偷听女孩说话,那个人是谁求英语回答
To Mr. Hollywood, who overheard the girl talking? who's that person?
C. 有没有现代英语小说,那种左面英文,右面汉文的,最好说明哪个出版社的,书名,最好在北京的书店有卖的~
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from: http://ke..com/view/371773.htm
D. 《别了,好莱坞先生》读后感中文长
E. 别了好莱坞先生故事梗概 最好要英文的
F. 求 别了 好莱坞先生 的读后感 (中文就可以了) 急需!
Ren Shijian, in real life there really love you » Chan He does not love impurities there? » I was certainly convinced that, I believe the existence of true love, now the letter, but I think such a thing likely too small, you probably will not happen in my possession, but I still believe that it is there! No, we should firmly believe that! Maybe I said it's a bit whimsical, let us return to reality, you say the experience is like the shadow of many people sad, of course, the existence of love, but in the present time, everything is all so true , Then the explicit, really do not want to mention that all "money", however, it is like ghost, you are all about! Of course, including emotions, the love you! Everyone has the impulse to the pursuit of love, starting the moment everything is so beautiful, so people Xinzui, so no worries, no worry! When we go on the way in reality, the "ghost" there, so it took us silently to the impulse, our enthusiasm, our enrance, let us think of a better finish increasingly blurred, so What about » Taking notice of us! In fact, each person's happiness, can be grasped in its own.
G. 别了好莱坞先生读书笔记1500字
I think this is a good novel, a girl only 10 minutes understand why I called him, Mr. Hollywood, also, why would kiss him, and these are very strange things, it is worthy of curiosity and thought. This shows that both men and women is a story, everyone has stories of people, we the people meet by chance, they may have their own stories and problems, everyone has their own past, some people experience Will provoke some of their associated memories, causing them to talk. I think this is a very worth reading the novel, its plot compelling, bizarre twists and turns, it can proce reverie, more important things, meet by chance, this is something that people can encounter the story especially the 90's. 下面是中文:我觉得这是一部不错的小说,一个才认识10分钟的女孩为什么要叫他好莱坞先生,另外,为什么会吻他,这些都是很奇怪的事情,很值得人好奇和思索.这说明不管男人还是女人都是有故事的,每个人都是有故事的人,我们萍水相逢的人们中,他们可能都有自己的故事和麻烦,每个人都有自己的过去,人们遇到某些人会激起他们的一些相关回忆,引起他们的倾诉.我觉得这是一部很值得一读的小说,它的情节吸引人,曲折离奇,很能产生遐想,更为重要的事,萍水相逢,这是人们都能遇上的事,故事描述的是最平常的事,却能表达去最丰富的寓意,这就是小说的魅力.
H. 别了好莱坞先生中文翻译
Goodbye Mr Hollywood 这是书虫标准翻译
I. 别了好莱坞先生中主人公的人物关系