Ⅰ 为什么有人说周星驰的《喜剧之王》其实更像是悲剧



Ⅱ 周星驰简介,详细一些

中文名: 周星驰
外文名: Stephen Chow
别名: 星爷、星仔、周星星、阿星
国籍: 中国
民族: 汉族
出生地: 香港
出生日期: 1962年6月22日
职业: 演员
毕业院校: 无线电视艺员训练班第11期
经纪公司: 星辉公司
代表作品: 《唐伯虎点秋香》、《食神》、《功夫》、《国产凌凌漆》等
主要成就: 88年获第25届金马奖最佳男配角奖
主要成就: 94年获香港十大红人
祖籍: 浙江宁波
血型: O 型
身高: 174cm
度假地: 马拉喀什,里奥加耶戈斯,图尔恰
体重: 70kg


Ⅲ 周星驰的简介


2002年凭借喜剧片《少林足球》获得第21届香港电影金像奖最佳男主角奖以及最佳导演奖 。2003年成为美国《时代周刊》封面人物。2005年凭借喜剧动作片《功夫》获得第42届台湾电影金马奖最佳导演奖。2008年自导自演的科幻喜剧片《长江7号》获得香港电影年度票房冠军。

2013年执导古装喜剧片《西游·降魔篇》,该片以2.18亿美元的票房成绩打破华语电影在全球的票房纪录。2016年担任科幻喜剧片《美人鱼》的导演、编剧、制作人,该片以超过33亿元的票房创下中国内地电影票房纪录 。


周星驰是华语影坛的标志性人物之一 ,被誉为中国的查理·卓别林。20世纪90年代,由于他主演的电影屡破票房纪录,因此他与成龙、周润发并称为“双周一成”,意为香港电影的票房保证。他不仅在商业电影方面取得了很高的成就,而且还制造了具有独特风格的无厘头式喜剧,更缔造了“周星驰现象”。


周星驰从来没有重复自己,其喜剧风格也经历了从夸张到内敛,从搞笑到温清,从肢体语言的表现到进入人物内心的转变过程。他以喜剧的叙事形式来表现悲剧性的主题意蕴,在给人们带来欢笑的同时,也能引起观众的反思 。

Ⅳ 喜剧之王剧情英文介绍

Yin tianqiu has been obsessed with drama and wants to be an actor.


Usually in addition to do a walk-on, but also in the kaifang welfare association set up actor training classes.


At this time miss liu piaopiao dance in the mother sang led down here to learn to play.


Liu piaopiao had a very unpleasant experience.


In the process of Yin tianqiu's guidance to her, liu piaofu's feelings for Yin tianqiu grow graally.


At the same time, she became a popular young lady in the nightclub.


After Yin tianqiu got very much white eye, got the appreciation of big star cuckoo elder sister finally.


Take him to play the leading role in the new play, but did not expect to suddenly change his role, let him disappointed.


An undercover officer on the set was identified.


Yin day the help of a strange combination of circumstances broke a case.


After that, Yin tianqiu continued to be active in the actors training class of kaifong welfare association.








Ⅳ 电影喜剧之王故事概要


Ⅵ 喜剧之王的角色介绍

(角色简介参考资料来源 )

Ⅶ 我想知道周星驰的简介

出生日期: 1962.06.22
祖籍: 浙江宁波
最喜欢的颜色: 黑,白
最喜欢的动物: 狗,老虎狗
最喜爱的食物: 面类
最喜爱的消闲活动: 单车,桌球,红酒,看漫画,看书
最擅长的功夫: 咏春,虎鹤双形
最崇拜的偶像: 李小龙
欣赏的外国演员: 罗拔狄尼路(Robert De Niro),德斯汀荷夫曼(Dustin Hofman) ,查利卓别林 (Charlie Chaplin)
欣赏的香港演员: 新马师曾,梁醒波
目前最希望合作的导演:Steven Spielberg


Ⅷ 喜剧之王的剧情简介

这部以音乐元素为抄特征的影片不仅再现了轰动一时的“喜剧之王”巡回演出小组中的四位杰出的喜剧表演家风格迥异的表演,也讲述了他们四人小组舞台以外的活动。“喜剧之王”巡回演出小组最初由企业家沃特·拉瑟(Walter Latnam)创建于1997年,他们诙谐的演出迅速征服了所到之处的美国观众,并以3700万的售票纪录创造了喜剧史上的一个神话。不过,小组的演出形式注定使很多观众无缘一睹他们在舞台上的神采,于是,在1998年,拉瑟萌发了把小组的演出搬上银幕的念头。历经两年的努力,这部影片终于得以问世,并取得票房佳绩。这是黑人电影的又一次胜利。

Ⅸ 请用英文介绍一下周星驰的《喜剧之王》><!!!

Starlight overseas Co., Ltd. proced a comedy movie is "king of comedy", directed by Lee lik Chi, Stephen, Stephen Chow, Karen Mok, Cecilia Cheung and starring. The film was released in Hongkong in February 13, 1999. Film tells the story of a soft spot for the hi story Yin Tianchou and dancer Liu Piaopiao graally proce feelings. Then with the help of Du Juaner, Yin Tianchou finally get chance to play the leading role, but also in and maelstrom of willow floats, Du Juaner love triangle,

Yin Tianchou (Stephen Chow decoration) has been obsessed with drama, want to become an actor, usually in addition to do sideshow outside, but also in Kaifong Welfare Association opened the actor training class. This dance Miss Liu fluttering in Mama sang lead down to here to request the school put on a show, the original Liu rian is a very unpleasant experience, in Yin Tianchou for her guidance, willow floats on the Yin Tianchou Jiansheng sincerity, and she also became a popular nightclub where Miss. Yin Tianchou been a slue supercilious look, finally got a big star Juan elder sister (Karen Mok) recognition, nurturing him Tam played in the drama actor, but did not expect his role suddenly replaced, so he disappointed. Works in the studio on the spot undercover police officer (Ng Man Tat ornaments) to wear the identity of consciousness, Yin Tianchou's broken a strange combination of circumstances. Yin Tian Qiu continues to be active in the neighborhood of the welfare of the actor training class,
In 1999, Stephen Chow directed the "king of comedy", the film is his transition from the actor to the director (the new capital of the newspaper). The "king of comedy" shows a very fine directorial style, in the film, even if it is a small supporting role, even supporting supporting are very out of color. For example, a child don't wear pants in the neighbourhood, a girl holding a doll, a Cantonese opera sung in English of the old man, Hongye grandma and so on. In the "king of comedy", Stephen Chow plays tasted the bitterness of the world is still obsessed with to show extras Yin Tianchou, by shaping the character, Stephen Chow for the audience to show his acting abilities on the other side: original smile can also take tears ("Southern Weekend" rating)
The "king of comedy" is one of the representative works of Stephen Chow, the film without much obvious funny dialogue and the howling head, but in the film Stephen Chow is truly in play, this and his early in the film "loaded" has essential difference: for example, movie starts with Yin Tianchou death clutched the script, and he declared to support Liu Piaopiao a lifetime and so on. This movie lens processing is very beautiful, at least some film better before the Zhou Xingchi "king of the comedy" (Sichuan News Network). Dang of the plot of the film swing ups and downs, the theme of the film is very clear analysis: faith, perseverance, and to do good deeds; in addition the music of the film is also very good, seize the romance movie in popular music elements (International Online rating).
The "king of comedy" expression of the Zhou Xingchi years comedian career journey. Among them, "I am an actor" mark lines is Stephen Chow heart for his road show summary (the Beijing News Commentary). Stephen Chow through the "king of comedy" to declare to the world: he is not just a funny star, he also has a strong cultural aspirations, he will read, learn from the actor's self-cultivation. Through this film, Stephen Chow found himself in the philosophy of existence: he only as an actor, will have a greater as (Netease)

Ⅹ 喜剧之王详细剧情介绍 英文翻译

Yin Tianchou (Stephen Chow decoration) has been obsessed with drama, want to become an actor, usually in addition to do than play a small role, but also in the Kai Fong Welfare Association have opened actor training. At this point Miss Liu fluttering in dance, led by Mama Sang came to like to urge the school put on a show, the original Liu Durian has a very unpleasant experience, in the Yin Tianchou for her guidance in the process of fluttering right Liu Yin Tianchou graally Health true inner feelings, She also became a popular nightclub where Miss. Yin Tianchou been a very multi-eyed, finally got a big star cuckoo sister (Karen Mok decorated) of her, guide and support his new opera Tam played the male lead, but did not expect his role suddenly replaced, and
So he is greatly disappointed. Works in the studio on the spot undercover officers (Ng Man Tat decorated) to wear the identity of consciousness, Yin Tianchou strange combination of circumstances to help break Mr. Hadley. After the YIN Tianchou Welfare Association continues to be active in the neighborhood where the actor training. 帮你翻译了,还是把分弄 来撒